This week we had a lot going on. Peter has been playing volleyball and has been enjoying it. This week teams from his school went to Sydney (the northern tip of NS) for Jeux de l’Acadie. Robin went as a chaperone and from all accounts is having a blast. Not really.
When he went to the parent information session he was surprised by how many parents were driving there (not going on the bus), renting a hotel room (not sleeping on the floor of a school), and not chaperoning (not responsible for junior high kids who are not your own).
Let's just say, the next time Peter is going on a school trip, Robin will be driving, staying in a hotel room and not chaperoning. Junior High kids are known for their immaturity and obnoxious behaviour but unfortunately, it seems to be taken up a notch. Anyway, Peter is having a great time. And that's all that counts, right?
My parents came up this week because my cousin passed away. Gaëlle hauled out the cards and convinced her Grampy to play non stop with her.
Kaylin gave Grammy a computer lesson on printing her photos and resizing them.
Kaylin has been in clinical for the month of May but she also was home for the long weekend. Snickers was super happy to cuddle with her. we are always happy to see her, but Snickers truly shows it.
Gaëlle's school had a multicultural day on Thursday. So here she is in her costume representing Haiti. It was a little difficult to come up with a costume because to my knowledge Haiti doesn't have a national dress or costume. But I figured if we went for colourful skirt, we couldn't go wrong.
It was nice to have a full table for breakfast.
The burial was in Sandford which would be the other end of NS from Sydney. We stopped for lunch and saw a photo op.
It was a gorgeous day and I'm so glad we were able to go.
Gaëlle has a cousin who is her age. They don't see each other often but when they do, they get along great. So they had a chance to play together after the burial. I'm really sorry for the circumstance of my parents trip and our trip to Sandford, but I was glad that we could visit with family. Gaëlle always seems to love the connections and trying to figure out who is who. And what does that mean for her?