Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We've had interviews with social workers the past 2 days trying to complete a domestic adoption. In addition to all of the other questions, they've both asked what we're doing to teach Gaelle. Her English is amazing but are we being intentional with more 'school type' learning. As a matter of fact I am. We're doing an hour of school each day but she is learning all day long.

This morning after breakfast, we pulled out some books and just the 2 of us read. One of the books was "The Salamander Room". As I tell Peter, we are never too old to learn and I love to learn new things. This morning I learned how to say lizard in Creole... zandolit. Altho Gaelle says it with more of a "u" sound and no "n".

So Robin heard us reading and told us he could find us a zandolit. So we headed outside... Gaelle was still in her pj's. And we looked.

We didn't find one this morning, but Gaelle did find lots of bugs. Maybe we'll try again when it's a wetter day. But how can we help but learn? That's all the kids do. Everything is new and strange.

Now we'll head downstairs and work on learning her name.

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