Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You have to read this...

Our computer had a virus last week and so I've been spending my time reloading programs and getting caught up on adoption blogs. Because I am not computer savy it has been time consuming and a bit frustrating. Today I read Licia's blog and it really made me stop and evaluate my life. At least those things in my life that I dwell on and stress about and gripe and complain about.

I know most people adopting from Haiti already read Licia's blog, but if you don't, please click on this and take the time to see how people in our hemisphere live.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Good & Bad News

Well, it happened. We've been kicked out of Parquet and over to Presidential Dispense. I've been waiting for this. Most of the families from our orphanage with bio children were sent to Presidential Dispense back in November. That's one reason I knew something was up with our file. Our orphanage knew too. Fortunately our file didn't stay lost but now that Parquet has had a chance to actually look at it, they've decided to "kick" us out. This was our email today.

Hello Robin and Beth,

I wanted to let you know that Peterson and Gaelle's file has been sent for a presidential dispense because of you having biological children in your family. This process has been taking several months at this time. Once the dispense is granted, then their file will return to Parquet to receive the Parquet approval.

I'm sorry that you will now have to go through another delay. At first, Parquet told us they were not going to require a dispense for your family because of their mistake of misplacing the file. But now they are insisting that the dispense be gotten.

I will be sure to let you know just as soon as the dispense is granted for your file.

So, what's the good news? I knew that this was probably going to happen. If not in Parquet, it could always be requested later by another office. So, finally it happened.

The bad news? Well, that's obvious. More delay.