We're constantly reminded how great it is the 2 kids have each other. They have lost so much in their short lives and yet they always have each other. Altho, we are noticing that Peter gets exasperated with Gaelle. She wants everything he has and wants to be where he is. Make no mistake... they have the typical sibling squabbles. But at least they share a history and an understanding that the rest of us will never fully know.
Peter cracks me up. He has the couch potato style down pat. Both kids are doing great with the dog and she seems to be getting over her jealousy. Robin is making an effort to take Snickers with them when they head outdoors. It is much appreciated by all.
The kids' doctor and her husband came over Sunday afternoon for a visit and to bring the kids gifts. Both kids were thrilled to see Dr. Lewis and we all enjoyed the visit. On a side note. After our first visit with her, we were driving home and Peter said, "Dr. Lewis is pretty." Then he prayed for her several times that week. So sweet!
She brought Peter and Gaelle craft kits so they have had fun working on that.
We love Gaelle's concentration here while she is painting her cow. She pressed the brush down as hard as she could trying to get paint out of it. And she changed the color of the cow about 4 times. She and Peter took about 1 hour painting. It was nice to see her slow down and stick with an activity for that length of time.
Both kids have some dental issues and lucky Peter was up first with his appointment. It turns out he has 2 rotten teeth that will need to be removed. Even though they are baby teeth, they are infected right now and so they need to be addressed. He's taking antibiotics and has another appointment to have them removed. He also had his teeth cleaned. I asked him how the dentist was and he said, "I didn't cry." Robin was afraid he was going into shock sitting in the dentist office. He looked terrified, but he sat still and didn't even flinch. The dentist said that his teeth cleaning would have been painful for an adult let alone a little kid.
The hygenist recommended electric toothbrushes for the kids and so they have been having fun with those.
Gaelle and Robin stayed with Peter the entire time he was in the dentist office and so Gaelle got to see it all. She also did well sitting there, but we're thinking she may need to be sedated in order to let anybody near her mouth with a pick. We'll probably take her to the dentist in a series of steps... we're not very hopeful it will go smooth. But she could totally surprise us. That's the joy of 4 year old girls.
Wow, it looks like both P and G are doing GREAT! Don't worry, our dog, Sam, was dealing with some jealousy issues too! Heidi
It is nice to see that they enjoyed the gifts we brought them. I just noticed you had left a comment on Emily's blog so I thought I would check yours out! Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun and I was very happy to meet Gaelle and "Peter" the other day. Also great to see you, Robin and Kaylin. :)
Great to see the kids getting on so well. Our oldest is treating Saraphina like her personal doll...we have to remind her that she needs to be carefull. Still she loves her big sisters and asks for them all the time when they are at school. She says Lola a l'ecole et Emma a l'ecole..Lola et Emma a l'ecole then she say Allez machine!!
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