The kids went to the Doctor on Monday. She was amazing. She specializes in geriatrics but will be the kids primary care physician because she was a Doctor in Haiti for a few years. She spoke Kreyol to the kids and really took her time with them. We have an appointment with a dentist and with a pediatrician who specializes in international adoption later on. The dentist will be interesting because both kids have serious cavities and other dental issues. We're thinking we'll need to put Gaelle to sleep but the dentist will assess that when we go.
The kids were able to meet their big sister, Emily and big brother, Joshua on skype. For some reason, Gaelle comes alive with Joshua. She really hams it up. So funny.
Robin and Kaylin went out and purchased all kinds of kid friendly supplies. Our craft supplies have become depleted over the years and so it was time to pick up a few items. The play doh is a big hit but Robin has to get over his phobia of mixing colors. Because that doesn't seem to bother the kids.
On Saturday Kaylin and I started the arduous task of taking out Gaelle's little braids and beads. We 3 girls went to the store in the morning and purchased some hair supplies. Gaelle proudly held them and clearly knew they were for her. However, shortly into the bead taking out... the tantrum started. I'll just leave it there. I haven't downloaded the final product but it is cute and simple. In case anyone is interested in numbers... it only took us 45 minutes to remove elastics and beads... 3 hours to remove little tiny braids... 15 minutes to bathe, shampoo and condition hair... and 20 minutes to put in hair puffs. The entire process took us 24 hours. There's just no way we could do it in one sitting.
Peterson continues to be curious about his surroundings and has had quite a few adventures. He goes in the car with Robin for most errands. He has been to the market (grocery store), the building where Robin and I work, Kaylin's work, and then last night he went to our church's swimming party. This was his first time in a large pool and he had a blast. He and Robin went by themselves and even though Peterson was aware of the kids around him, he was completely in his own world. He and Robin just played by themselves and Peterson was generally beaming the entire time.
Both kids continue to be excellent eaters. I'm just amazed at how they will usually take a bite of anything I put before them. They won't always eat it, but they try. They still aren't fans of veggies but tonight I fed them beef stew and Peterson had several helpings and Gaelle finished her one small serving before asking for yogurt. Gaelle isn't a fan of bread but she loves to lick off the butter. Neither one of them liked syrup with their pancakes but they loved the pancakes. I thought they would like scrambled eggs but neither one of them cared for it at all. Anyway, we're so fortunate that they are doing well with the food.
I am still to chicken to take out Saraphina's braids!!!! Your so brave!
Haha. I enjoy my conversations with Gaelle. "I LOVE YOU GAELLE!" "I LOVE YOU JOSHUA!" x100. "oh lets make funny faces into the webcam now." Glad things are going well.
Thanks for updating the blog Mom. I enjoyed it.
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