Just a few more snippets from our week.
Whenever Peterson sees a black person he asks, "Is he Khaitian?" At first I thought he was asking if he was Cajun. But no, he just says "Haitian" with a K.
Peterson asked us this week where all the kids who flew to Canada were. "Don't they live here?" All of the children from GLA flew to Ottawa on the same plane. He finally got around to asking us why we don't see them. He was really sad and missing his friends and it was crushing to hear how big Canada is.
Peterson heard Santa laugh... Ho... Ho... Ho... He thought that was hilarious. He proceeded to show us how people should laugh. Hee... hee... hee... and Haa.. Haa... Haa... BUT NOT Ho... Ho... Ho...
Gaelle is starting to pick up English. It is the cutest thing to hear her say something in English. It's so unexpected. The funniest thing is how she says "Thank You". It's "Wank Ooo".
She pointed and asked me if she could do something. I said yes. She shook her head and said, "No. Papa do it."
The kids find it so funny to see Robin and myself hug and kiss, which just eggs Robin on all the more. Gaelle says, "Ooosh!" It's her way of saying, "Gross!"
Sometimes we don't understand what Gaelle is saying and we'll ask Peterson to translate. He says, "I don't know that word in English." Translation: Gaelle is saying something bad or mean about us and Peterson doesn't want us to know.
Today she must have been saying something really bad because Peterson said, "Gaelle just said a word we are not allowed to say." We just left it alone.
Peterson asks us so many questions when we read him a book. The other night he asked me a question and I had just read a line which answered his question. So I said, "Peterson, didn't you hear what I just read?"
And he said, "I wasn't listening. I was too busy talking."
Peterson loves highway overpasses. He wants to be on top and so we always try to remember to let him know when we're on the top and there are cars below us. I can't imagine the thrill he would have if we lived in a major city like NY.
I know I've mentioned this before, but Gaelle has not met material that she can't braid. This week our dog Snickers ripped apart a small stuffed animal and the stuffing came out. Gaelle picked it up and preceeded to separate the white fluff into sections and braid it.
2 weeks ago
Great to see the children getting used to Canada. Saraphina is hugging and kissing her sisters and dad but is still a little standoffish with mom...Tell Petersen Saraphina lives in Sudbury which is about 2 days away from him!!!
Peterson's name comes up in our house now about 4-5 times a day. We watched some of the Olympics Fri, Sat, and today and each time they hear the name "Canada" it is quickly followed by Jean Dany yelling "Peterson!!!"
Beth - I LOVE reading your blog and about the children! Thanks for sharing! I kind of chuckeled when you wrote about Gaelle and her " wank Ooo" - Mari says "Ooo" for you too! Too cute!
I have no interpreter, so we never know if Mari is saying bad words .. . she used to give us the "eye", but she hasn't been doing that much anymore.
Enjoy the kiddos!! Continuing to pray for all the kids and their transitioning! It can be very tough!!
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