Saturday, November 8, 2014

Time is flying

What we're reading now. Robin has been reading "The Good and Beautiful God" by James Bryan Smith. He is loving it and keeps saying, "Beth, you have to read this!" He finds it affirming as it focuses on God's grace in light of our insufficiency. The author mentions the works based faith of the past which borders on superstition. It's arrogance to think we can work our way into heaven. My mom gave me "Jesus Feminist" on the birthday celebration this past summer. Thanks mom. Emily suggested this book and I am really enjoying it. I also highly recommend it. Not in the sense that I'm ready to call myself a Jesus Feminist, but I just love the compassionate writing of Sarah Bessey. I love her approach to differences in the body of Christ. "The Ultimate Blessing" by Joanne Lyon still ranks as one of our all time favourites. It's on the nightstand as we are grappling with our response to the needs all around us. 

It was my birthday this week. It was strange to just have 4 of us at home, altho Josh joined us by Skype and Emily joined us by audio Skype. Somehow the iPad representing her isn't in the photo. My parents also called right at this moment but didn't stick around for the photo. Kaylin was working so didn't join us for the candle blowing. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such love and support. I really felt it this birthday. Thanks all.

On Friday we joined the celebration of the life of a wonderful husband, father and man of God. John Harris passed away this week in Moncton. Robin, Kaylin and I felt privileged to attend the funeral. It was amazing to see the impact he had on his community. He lived an ordinary life but in his faithfulness to God and his family, he made a huge difference. 

We also stopped in to see Snickers. 2 weeks ago she suffered paralysis of her back legs and amazingly has gotten better although it is still obvious that her back section doesn't quite work right. She was beyond overjoyed to see us.

Once she settled down, it was obvious who she was really happy to see. Robin has missed their walks and cuddles together also.

While we were there, Max, showed us how affectionate he is. Kaylin doesn't need to give any encouragement and Max is all over her trying to snuggle. It's kind of funny.

As part of Kaylin's nursing program, she has a project to plan and implement for her clinical. Her group needed a comfy chair and seeing as we will be selling all of our belongs this year, she asked for the LazyBoy chair. As we think about selling our "stuff" we say that we aren't attached to much. But  as Robin took apart this chair to donate to Kaylin's project, it became obvious that this was actually much tougher than he thought. Somehow, our stuff becomes important to us. As adults we should be able to move past this, but it is definitely a reminder that we will have to be wise and compassionate to the kids as we move through this transition.

Ending with a maple bacon doughnut. Robin and the kids went to a local Farmer's Market for lunch and brought back this doughnut. We all tried a bite. After all, bacon goes with everything. The taste was ok, but it was a bit strange. Not my favourite. 

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