Saturday, November 22, 2014

Highlights of our week

This was one of my birthday presents. Kaylin has one and I used it a bit over the summer. Well, the little green food processor went back to Moncton with her. So, Robin bought me my own for my birthday and guess who is using it the most? 

Robin has been cranking out the smoothies for himself and the kids. They are loving it. I have used it myself for making hummus. Such a great snack for all of us. 

I never did post this. On Remembrance Day we packed up the kids bikes and drove to a local path where the kids biked and Robin and I power walked. It was one of those perfect afternoons. The path goes through Bedford and so we managed to take a detour to get a snack. 

Robin puts together some great meals and lately we have discovered his Shepherd's Pie. On Tuesday I was taking it easy in the living room while he was getting supper ready. I can't even begin to tell you how good the house smelled. Then once we ate, it was super good. Such a cozy moment for me with a nice warm house, surrounded by family and ending with comfort food. 

Robin recently was presented with his 25 year service pin. I was able to go to this presentation which was one of the nice ones. It was not very long (Because let's be honest.... sometimes these can go on forever.) and there was a presentation for bravery for 4 officers which is not usually done. I enjoyed my afternoon and I think Robin did as well. 

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