The local elementary school had a fair on Saturday with overpriced games and cheap prizes. It's all about the kids, right? Anyway, we took the kids and it was fun seeing their reaction to the different games. Gaelle did a little fishing and got to choose her prize. Peter looked through the bucket he was allowed to choose from and picked... hand sanitizer. I'm still chuckling over that.
The kids spent a lot of time looking at the dunk tank. I'm still not sure they get the concept, but it was fun to watch.
There was a big inflatable maze for the kids to race through. They were determined to try it and were supposed to go by themselves, but we convinced the attendants to let Emily help Gaelle. Big smiles all around.
Peter went by himself but he could have used a guide also. He wasn't quite sure where to go once he was in the maze. He still had fun.
On Saturday afternoon we went to a local beach. Of course the water was freezing but Peter was a trooper and he managed to get all the way under. He didn't stay in the water long, but he was determined to get wet and he did it.
Isn't it great to have wide open space to just run and run? Oh the joy of running through the sand.
On Sunday afternoon we came across a playground that was a little funky. With a couple of little kids, we will soon know all the great free spots to play.
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