A week ago we all headed to the airport to pick up Emily. She had an amazing adventure in Thailand but her 9 months were up and now it's time to start the next phase in her journey... working and school. Peter and Gaelle had only talked with Emily on Skype so this was very exciting. For the month leading up to this, Gaelle told everybody that she had 2 big sisters. Now she was finally going to meet her other big sister.
Can you believe she was there for 9 months and this is all she came back with. Good job Emily!!!
I think I've mentioned before Gaelle's mad hair skills. The rest of us don't have a lot of patience to have our hair done but Emily is fresh and eager to play with her little sister. Gaelle is in heaven and asks to do her hair several times a day.
I mentioned that May was family month and it has created lots of excitement and activity and stress in our little house. However, I'm so glad that we are all together for a time. Even though Peter and Gaelle are both having a bit of a struggle settling down, I'm thankful for the blessing of family who loves us and supports us and encourages us. I'm thankful for parents who come and play with the kids and create new traditions with them.
Again, it's always bittersweet. I know my family; extended and near. I am blessed. Peter and Gaelle have family that they will never know in Haiti. Even though they are older and can share some of their story with us... it's exactly that... SOME of their story. Family roots are powerful and strong. Through no fault of their own, their Haitian family roots have been severed. Our prayer is that we can help them navigate their journey and family life here in Canada and some day help them explore and discover their family roots in Haiti.
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