Saturday, October 6, 2012

Celebration time

It's kind of interesting to see how different the experience is for Peter and Gaelle compared to the older kids in so many areas. One of those areas with huge differences is Robin's work. The older kids know their dad is a police officer. They saw him patrol, drive police cars, work all hours of the day and night, wear a uniform, interact with other officers, work in a police detachment, etc. Peter and Gaelle never see Robin wear a uniform, drive a police car, interact with uniformed officers, etc. Now Robin is still a police officer, however his work environment is completely different. His police car is unmarked. His uniform is business casual, sometimes formal. 

So it's always nice when they can see Robin in his element. Robin, along with others in the province, received a medal for their volunteer contributions to the community.  It was a ceremonial occasion so all those receiving awards wore their red serge uniform. I signed Peter out of school, took off the afternoon from work and went to see the big celebration. Peter was so proud of his dad. So was I. 

Another highlight of the celebration for me was seeing a female officer in the province as the master of ceremonies. Peter has been talking about culture in school which has brought up some interesting stories at home. We have talked about the differences in culture between Haiti and Canada. One of the negative differences is his opinion of women in policing positions. So, to see a women "run the show" was a nice bonus. Always good to let him see that women can be police officers. 

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