On our way... We're all so excited to finally be off to Beulah camp.
I finally have a chance to share some of the photos from our camera instead of Robin's phone.
We drove through Sussex to pick up a few things and we ran into the Canada Day parade. The kids watched it while I was in the store. I don't think I was there 5 minutes and by the time I got out and tried to take a picture, the parade was over. But Peter and Gaelle got candy and so they thought the parade was great.
Just to prove I was actually here for a brief time. Robin managed to take one picture of me.
This is down by the beach. I'm not sure what is so fascinating, but it looks like all of the kids are enthralled.
It's a July 4th party. Grampa Doan had July 4th napkins and plates and a tablecloth. So they invited the neighbor kids and had a party. Whoo Hoo!! Go USA!
Apparently it was one party after another. Uncle Al, Aunt Claud, and a friend also came over for a pizza party.
Gaelle is absolutely loving Danny. When she is at the cottage, Gaelle just wants to be with her.
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