Christmas morning all the stockings were loaded and ready to go.
We always have bubble bread (mini cinnamon rolls) sitting out while we open presents. Gaelle was all over that because she was allowed to eat food in the living room. Notice her tight grip on her stocking. She was not going to let go.
The younger kids did not get candy in their stockings and I think that was a bit of a disappointment to them. But the older kids got their traditional sugar fix. Maybe next year they will remember to keep the chocolate out of reach of the dog. She's small but she's determined when it comes to candy!
Gaelle was the first one to open a present from her stocking. We all watched her pull it out and open it and the look on her face was just hysterical. She looked genuinely disgusted. I have no idea what she was expecting but it clearly wasn't a fairy doll. Emily and Kaylin oohed and ahhed and finally Gaelle gave an obligatory "Thank you". She opened her Tangled Doll with much more enthusiasm and seemed very excited by all that hair. "It sparkles!!!!"
Peter was thrilled with his Siamese Fighting Fish. He has fond memories of the tank they had at GLA. At first he called his fish, "Joyce" but when he was informed that it was male he changed the name to "Arry". His 2 favorite people in Haiti.
Emily and Kaylin sporting their new earmuffs. So cute!!! And warm. A perfect combination.
Just a shot to show the chaos of the morning. It actually went really well but things were a bit more hectic than they've been the past few years. There's nothing like little kids to liven things up.
Robin is always so proud of his ability to guess any present. Needless to say he didn't guess this but he loves his electric knife.
I wish we had taken the time to run up and get the camera stand. Oh well, Josh was here... take my word for it.
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