This past Christmas is the first time I've worked outside the home full time and it's also the first time we've had 5 kids for Christmas. So... some things just didn't get done this year. But here is a quick recap of some of our moments.
Peter was the first one to have his school Christmas concert. We don't always clue in to the stress these things have on the kids. So we were a little surprised at his reaction. He looks terrified up on stage. It didn't look as if he was having fun at all. But to be quite honest, his whole class seemed a little out of it. Nobody looked like they were having fun.
Next up was Gaelle. Needless to say, I was the nervous one this time because I didn't know what she would do up on stage. But she opened her mouth and made an atempt to sing, even though she didn't know half the words. Notice the 3 boys standing next to her. They're holding hands. Gaelle explained, "That's because Cole runs away." Problem solved.
The 3rd and final Christmas concert was our church musical. We kept Gaelle out of it this year, but expect her to be front and center next year. Peter had a speaking part and played Tommy the shopkeeper. We prepped him a little more for his nervous feelings and what that looks like. Good thing, because he was pretty rigid.
But as they always do, the play went off without a hitch and it was really kind of cute.
Only 4 of the kids were here to decorate the Christmas tree. Our tree is totally home made with all kinds of ornaments the kids have made throughout the years. So full of memories. So first thing in December we took Peter and Gaelle out to the store to choose their own ornament. They've been hanging in our living room ever since and they were the first ornaments on the tree.
It really is fun to see all of the old Christmas decorations and remember how they came to be. Like the giant scallop shell that Josh painted in St. Andrews.
Or the pom-poms that Kaylin decorated completely on her own... which always go on the tree. Unfortunately, Peter and Gaelle didn't come home with any school made Christmas tree ornaments. But we have another week off of school to remedy that.
Gaelle has had a pretty good attitude for most of the month. But there have been times when her angry face comes out. Today I asked her why she was talking like that. And she said, "Angry? Because it's fun!"
A new activity this year was community caroling. We met in a community park and just sang Christmas carols and songs to the group gathered. Our 2 oldest children were in a mood... a silly mood... and I thought we were going to get kicked out.
Peter was especially concerned and kept saying, "Guys... stop it. Please!!! What are you singing?"
But would they stop it? No... like all good older brothers and sisters, that just egged them on more. We did have fun tho. A lot of laughter, a lot of hot chocolate, and a lot of close calls with candles. Fun all around.
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