I woke up this morning and the first thing out of Peter's mouth was,"How come Emily isn't here?"
And I lost it a bit. So I declared today a: NO QUESTION DAY!!!
Robin and Emily are in Yarmouth visiting Robin's mom. For various reasons, the rest of us didn't go. Work...school project...birthday party...etc. And yesterday it was really starting to get to me how much the kids ask and
1) They really don't need to know the answer because it's
a) over their head.
b) just not important.
2) They already know the answer.
3) It's a statement couched in a question.
4) It's a way of engaging the adults around them and distracting the adults around them from another conversation they are currently engaged in.
This mom over at "The Least Complicated" has a great idea using tickets. She gives out so many tickets each day and if the child wants to ask a question, he has to hand over a ticket. When the tickets are gone, no more questions for the day.
"Beth, what's the big deal? Just chill out! How else are they going to learn?"
It is just all so draining and just a way to exert control and to show that they don't trust us to take care of them. And did I mention how draining it is?
So, today is NO QUESTION DAY. Maybe tomorrow I'll break out the tickets.
1 week ago
We long had a rule when my kids were little - the Rule of Three Why's (which morphed into the Rule of Three Questions).
No one got to ask more than three questions at a time (although Mom could override this rule and answer more if she chose - which wasn't often).
Many times my kids asked questions and the anwers were beyond their ability to process, so there really was no point to answering.
Oh my goodness! This is my life, too! SO MANY QUESTIONS!!! And, the same ones for what seems at least 5-6 times in a row, throughout the day. It is exhausting. I like the tickets idea and think that they would be gone before the kids finished getting dressed for the day! Good luck!!!
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