Here we are. The first day of school. To be quite honest, I was not sure we would be sending Gaelle to school in September. I just could not see her coping with the demands of a classroom. And we're still very concerned for her. But we'll take it day by day and try to do what's best for her.
We wrote a letter to Gaelle and Peter's teacher before school started listing some of the concerns we have for each of them. We listed their strengths and their weaknesses. We wrote about the anxiety and fears they each have and how that sometimes translates into their behavior. Both teachers seemed to appreciate the information and hopefully that knowledge will help us all meet their needs this year.
Peter was an old pro. We had such a great summer, even though he loves school, it was a little difficult for him to return to the class. But I know once he gets in the swing of the routine, he'll be fine.
This picture pretty much sums up the day for Gaelle. She was so brave and she wanted to go to school so much, but she was terrified. She couldn't even smile for the camera. But she had a good first 2 days. Compared to the kids crying and running away, she was a dream student. Robin was able to stay with her for the first morning and he listened in to the class for periods of time without her knowledge. She seemed to handle it better than we expected. Not tired or cranky at the end of the day. Just a little demanding.
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