This past weekend the kids had the chance to skype with Molly and Joyce back in Haiti. They were both thrilled and just lit up when they heard the familiar and beloved voices. They also were able to see the kids left behind who are going to France and some of the nannies. Technology is just amazing and such a blessing. Every day since then Gaelle has come to the computer and asked for Molly and Joyce. Still not quite sure why they just don't appear when she commands them to. I took a few video clips of them talking and they just light up all over again to hear the voices.
Sticking with the computer. We had a quiet weekend not leaving the house except for church. But Robin was determined to watch the final hockey game between the US and Canada. He sold Peter on the idea of a "Hockey Party". Orange pop and chips and Peter was right there cuddled up with Robin in the chair.
But what to do with Gaelle? She hasn't met a button she doesn't like to push so Robin went out and bought a Disney Princess computer game. I (Beth) was assigned the task of monitoring the button pushing. Fun, fun, fun. It was a little tiring to try and help her work a computer game but she was thrilled even if she couldn't do anything. She designed her black princess complete with accessories and then Princess Gaelle was off on her journey...pushing every key on the computer without being told, "Pa touche!!!"
That completely occupied our time until the end of the game. When Canada scored the final goal, Robin's shouts and cheers completely threw the kids for a loop. They just stared at him. Finally Peter joined in the "Go Canada" chant and Gaelle continued to just look bewildered. It was too funny.
Robin also introduced the kids to a few of the puppets we have in the house. I really wish we had gotten their reactions on film. Gaelle was terrified and Peter's burning question was "How is the puppet talking?" Robin was not even hiding the fact that he was the one talking. We found a couple of puppet videos that we have and let the kids watch the puppet shows. Again... Peter just couldn't comprehend how the puppets were singing and moving. It was so cute.
And again what's a post without some mention of the crazy influence from Kaylin. We took this picture while she was teaching the kids how to pose. Peter likes to call the girls "crazy" and we love to call him "silly".
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