Sunday, August 9, 2009

July 25... 3 years and counting

We handed in our paperwork to adopt internationally to Community Services July 25, 2006. I never would have thought we would be here 3 years later with no end in sight. At the time, we thought it would take 6 months to complete our paperwork in Canada. It took 11 months to get our dossier to GLA.

Referrals used to happen fairly fast. Ours took 4 months.

Then it was supposed to take 12-18 months to complete the adoption. We're at the 22 month mark...

And counting.

There have been so many ups and downs in our journey. Times when I thought we might not be allowed to adopt from Haiti. No other country was an option for us. It was Haiti or nothing.

Times of energy.. rushing around to get things done.

But more often, times of waiting. With no word. No change. Nothing new.

There have been times of support from family, friends IRL (in real life,) and friends I've never met in person.

Times of real anguish and sorrow knowing that Peterson & Gaëlle are in an institution. They are just one of many children. Studies have been done to show the impact of institutions on development. Even great institutions. It just is not the ideal environment for young children.

Times when I've fantasized about moving to Haiti until this craziness is over. Robin and I have actually seriously considered that. We have a bit of a plan. But we just don't have peace.

So, here we are. One of my kids thinks I've lost my joy. This adoption is sucking me dry.

One song that always ministers to me is "Mighty to Save" by Hillsong. I know that God can move mountains. He rose and conquered the grave. What's a couple of bureaucrats in Haiti? I believe that if it were God's will, He could bring our kids home in weeks instead of the months that are ahead of us.

So, I'll continue to sing and pray.

Shine your light and let the whole world see,
We're singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus


Gwen said...

Praying for you Beth!!
I'll move to Haiti with you . .. I just mentioned that to a friend at church this morning - that we could actually go to Haiti and have our daughter with us! She is LEGALLY ours!!
We were also told 12 - 18 mos, were at the 18 mos time frame, from referral.
Sucking us dry from our JOY, yes, we really need to keep our Focus on the Only ONE who gives us our JOY!! Praising God for His goodness, mercy and above all HIS sovereignty. He knows what is best, and we will find out someday why God deemed it better for this dreaded, long, hurtful wait.
Many Prayers and Big Hugs.

Anonymous said...

i am just so sorry for this wait for you and many little eve loves that song.....praying for you!!!!

adopting eli didier